Monday, April 11, 2011

Tips on How to Stop Stuttering

If you're interested in how to stop stuttering, you're not the only one. There are a lot of people who are plagued with stuttering and would give anything to learn how to stop. As a matter of fact, over 3 million Americans alone stutter.

Three to four times as many males as females stutter, and approximately 5% of all children go through a time in their lives where they stutter for 6 months or more. While ¾ of them will recover by late childhood, one percent is left with a long term problem.

A lot of amazing new research is being done now in neurophysiology, genetics, family dynamics, and childhood development, and light is being shed on possible stuttering causes. This is allowing us to find more preventions for stuttering later on.

For people that already do stutter and need to find a cure, there are currently no push-button cures. However, there are certainly things one can do to make the stuttering lessen.

Some of these things are...

1. Sing the words. If you try to speak in a singsong way, you just may have an easier time getting the words out. It might sound crazy, but this actually does help many people.

2. Visualize the letters of the word you're going to say. This exercise helps people with delivery.

3. Right before you're going to say a difficult word, take a deep breath.

4. Take your time speaking. You don't need to speak quickly, so don't put undue pressure on yourself.

5. If you go slowly - letter by letter, for example - you might be able to deliver the word easier. What this means is, if you feel like you're going to get stuck on the word "sponge", instead of saying it all at once, say "sp", "on" "ge".

6. If you have something in your mouth while speaking, or chew something, this might help.

7. You can also try speaking very loudly, or whispering. When you speak loudly, a stutter usually disappears, and if you whisper, the stutter is not as noticeable.

There are, of course, other alternatives as well, but these are a great starting point.

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