Monday, April 11, 2011

Forget "Stop Stuttering" - Think "Speak Fluently" Article Source

Let me start with a question: why are you reading this article? How did you find it? I can say with great confidence that you put something like "stop stuttering" or "get rid of stuttering" or a similar phrase in your search engine, and somehow landed here.

What else? Why did you use those search terms? Because you stutter, and you'd like to find a way to get rid of it.

Now, if you look at the first paragraph, it's all about you stuttering and looking for a way out, but how are you going to find the way out if you concentrate on the problem itself and not on the solution or the end result you'd like to reach? It's just like you cut yourself to blood and started screaming; "I'm bleeding. What can I do to stop bleeding. Can someone help me stop bleeding," instead of looking for the first aid kit.

So, let's concentrate on the final, desired result, and this is, in most cases. fluent speech. Therefore, the question you should ask is: "What can I do to speak more fluently?" or "How to speak more fluently", because this is, or at least should be, your real goal.

Another reason why you should change focus from "stop stuttering" to "speak fluently" is this strange inability of our brain to really differentiate between negative and positive orders. Please, don't think about pink elephants now! I can bet a hundred bucks on what you are thinking about now. Therefore, no matter how often you say to yourself "stop stuttering", "don't panic", "don't get nervous", your brain processes "stutter", "panic", "nervous". And the end result is far from the expected one.

What you must learn to do is to convert all those negative orders into positive ones: "speak fluently", "remain calm", "relax". This might not be easy, but this might be the first baby step towards more fluent speech, with calm mind, and in a more relaxed way. This, combined with appropriate breathing, strong affirmations, and vivid visualizations can help you speak more fluently in much shorter time than you think.

Although experts say there is no cure for stuttering, there are certainly ways and techniques to turn your attention away from your conditions and direct it towards the desired result, that is fluent speaking. What is the most important, however is the mindset. If you keep repeating "don't stutter, don't stutter" you WILL stutter, but if you say to yourself "I'll do what it takes to speak more fluently", you'll certainly achieve your goal.

To find more useful and practical information on how to stop stuttering in various situations, CLICK HERE.

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