Curing stuttering is not easy but it is doable. Stuttering is caused by different factors so stutterers might have to try several treatments or a combination of treatments until they find the one/s that will be effective for them. Here are a few options for adult stutterers to choose from.
Fluency Shaping Therapy
In this method, people who stutter are trained to speak fluently through the use of proper breathing techniques, proper articulation, and proper vocal folds. Curing stuttering is done by teaching stutterers to breathe using their diaphragms, slow their pace by stretching vowels, and lessen pressure when articulating. The resulting speech is fluent and monotonic, but this kind of speaking is only for inside the speech clinic. When the person with the stutter has mastered the initial techniques, the speaking rate is increased until his speech sounds normal. This fluent and properly-paced speech is then used for everyday life outside therapy.
This kind of therapy is usually augmented with psychological treatments for reducing fears and anxieties, altering social habits, and relieving the emotional effects of stuttering. According to a recent study, fluency shaping therapy produces satisfactory results in about 70% of stutterers.
Stuttering Modification Therapy
Unlike fluency shaping therapy, the aim of stuttering modification therapy is not curing stuttering. Proponents of this kind of therapy believe that an adult who stutters will never be able to speak normally again. The purpose of speech modification therapy is to improve the stutterer's communication skills such that he will be able to converse well despite his stutter. Methods include teaching the stutterer how to control his moments of stuttering such that it is not so severe and finding ways to reduce one's fear of stuttering.
A study conducted on stuttering modification therapy which was published in a peer-reviewed journal concluded that it is not effective in reducing or curing stuttering and does not produce any improvements in the fluency of stutterers.
Anti-Stuttering Devices
These are based on the principle that one's fluency is improved when how he hears his voice is modified. Altered auditory feedback supposedly fixes the shortage of activity in auditory processing observed in the brain scans of people who stutter. Altered auditory feedback effects can be created by hearing one's own voice echoed or by speaking simultaneously with another person. Delayed auditory feedback, masking auditory feedback and frequency-shifted auditory feedback are the most common forms of altered auditory feedback.
Studies show that a combination of delayed audio feedback devices and fluency shaping therapy produced exemplary results. One study found that subjects had "carryover fluency", meaning that they exhibited improved speech even when they were not using the devices anymore. However, another study, using a different kind of anti-stuttering device, found that subjects had no "carryover fluency". The reason behind this discrepancy is still unknown. Nonetheless, anti-stuttering devices have been scientifically proven effective for curing stuttering.
Curing stuttering and stammering is not impossible. Most people just choose to ignore it hoping it will go away, but it does not.
There are a ton of excellent guides out on the internet that will allow you to get professional stuttering cure in a cheap and effective way that will not bust your bank account like what expensive speech therapy will do.
The best resource I've found over the years is a program named KILL YOUR STUTTER. It has been proven to work for adults and children alike and many have been recommending it like crazy.
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