Monday, April 11, 2011

Review of Kill Your Stutter Program

Website: Kill Your Stutter
Rating: 5/5 Stars!!
Cost: $67 (Instant Digital Download)

Kill Your Stutter is the ultimate solution to stuttering problems. With this program, you will learn how to end your stutter for good in 10 minutes or less. If you're a lifelong stutterer, you'll finally be able to speak fluidly and confidently - no more embarrassment.

Kill Your Stutter features an easy, step-by-step method that focuses on eliminating the anxiety and panic attacks you may face while you're speaking. There are a number of easy exercises for you to do, and you can even do them while you're on the way to work or while you're watching your favorite television show. For best results, however, a quiet room is recommended.

Kill Your Stutter does not require any expensive speech therapy or manuals with complicated instructions. It's the easiest guide that produces the fastest results. You'll learn the "secrets" speech therapists do not want to tell you, and you'll be equipped with the most up-to-date tools you can take advantage of to end your stuttering within seconds.


Stop Stuttering and Start Living - 3 Powerful Techniques to Stop Stuttering

Stuttering or stammering is a terrible ailment that inflicts millions of adults, children and teenagers around the world. Often routed in a lack of confidence, stuttering can cause sufferers to avoid conversations and interactions with other people for fear that they will stutter and embarrass themselves.

While stuttering or stammering is a huge problem for many people, thankfully it is possibly to stop stuttering. In fact, there are many who claim - based on a number of techniques - that it is possible to completely top stuttering and live a normal life, free of embarrassment, fear or shame. So what are these three techniques which so many believe can help you to stop stuttering?

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy is a huge business today and many practitioners promise to be able to cure stammering and stuttering problems through counseling and the use of psychology. While therapy does not guarantee a cure of fix to speech problems, there are thousands of former stutterers who will testify that it works.

Of course, the problem with speech therapy counseling is the costs involved. Most speech therapists charge huge amounts per hour, with many charging hundreds or even thousands of dollars per hour. On top of that, rarely do therapists manage to shop stuttering problems within one lesson or even one month of lessons. Speech therapy counseling generally lasts several months and in many cases years.


Visualization often combined with meditation is a powerful technique which is used by many to control stammering and stuttering problems. Visualization is essentially a form of autosuggestion in which someone suffering from a speech impediment such as a stutter visualizes himself without a stutter continuously. Generally speaking this is under the guidance of a psychologist or professional and it is seen as a long term process. Essentially the idea is that you can convince yourself that you no longer stutter or stammer.

Does visualization work? In short, under the right guidance this can be very successful however it relies on a decent amount of self confidence and self belief which few people with a stutter process.


Hypnotherapy is a popular technique for stopping stammering and stuttering. There's not a lot to say about hypnotherapy for this kind of treatment except that if you find an amazing hypnotherapist then fantastic, if you don't you've most likely blown several hundred quid.

One real way to stop stuttering is through the Kill Your Stutter program by Ari Kreitberg. Find out more at the KILL YOUR STUTTER WEBSITE.

Forget "Stop Stuttering" - Think "Speak Fluently" Article Source

Let me start with a question: why are you reading this article? How did you find it? I can say with great confidence that you put something like "stop stuttering" or "get rid of stuttering" or a similar phrase in your search engine, and somehow landed here.

What else? Why did you use those search terms? Because you stutter, and you'd like to find a way to get rid of it.

Now, if you look at the first paragraph, it's all about you stuttering and looking for a way out, but how are you going to find the way out if you concentrate on the problem itself and not on the solution or the end result you'd like to reach? It's just like you cut yourself to blood and started screaming; "I'm bleeding. What can I do to stop bleeding. Can someone help me stop bleeding," instead of looking for the first aid kit.

So, let's concentrate on the final, desired result, and this is, in most cases. fluent speech. Therefore, the question you should ask is: "What can I do to speak more fluently?" or "How to speak more fluently", because this is, or at least should be, your real goal.

Another reason why you should change focus from "stop stuttering" to "speak fluently" is this strange inability of our brain to really differentiate between negative and positive orders. Please, don't think about pink elephants now! I can bet a hundred bucks on what you are thinking about now. Therefore, no matter how often you say to yourself "stop stuttering", "don't panic", "don't get nervous", your brain processes "stutter", "panic", "nervous". And the end result is far from the expected one.

What you must learn to do is to convert all those negative orders into positive ones: "speak fluently", "remain calm", "relax". This might not be easy, but this might be the first baby step towards more fluent speech, with calm mind, and in a more relaxed way. This, combined with appropriate breathing, strong affirmations, and vivid visualizations can help you speak more fluently in much shorter time than you think.

Although experts say there is no cure for stuttering, there are certainly ways and techniques to turn your attention away from your conditions and direct it towards the desired result, that is fluent speaking. What is the most important, however is the mindset. If you keep repeating "don't stutter, don't stutter" you WILL stutter, but if you say to yourself "I'll do what it takes to speak more fluently", you'll certainly achieve your goal.

To find more useful and practical information on how to stop stuttering in various situations, CLICK HERE.

Curing Stuttering in Adults: Some Options

Curing stuttering is not easy but it is doable. Stuttering is caused by different factors so stutterers might have to try several treatments or a combination of treatments until they find the one/s that will be effective for them. Here are a few options for adult stutterers to choose from.

Fluency Shaping Therapy

In this method, people who stutter are trained to speak fluently through the use of proper breathing techniques, proper articulation, and proper vocal folds. Curing stuttering is done by teaching stutterers to breathe using their diaphragms, slow their pace by stretching vowels, and lessen pressure when articulating. The resulting speech is fluent and monotonic, but this kind of speaking is only for inside the speech clinic. When the person with the stutter has mastered the initial techniques, the speaking rate is increased until his speech sounds normal. This fluent and properly-paced speech is then used for everyday life outside therapy.

This kind of therapy is usually augmented with psychological treatments for reducing fears and anxieties, altering social habits, and relieving the emotional effects of stuttering. According to a recent study, fluency shaping therapy produces satisfactory results in about 70% of stutterers.

Stuttering Modification Therapy

Unlike fluency shaping therapy, the aim of stuttering modification therapy is not curing stuttering. Proponents of this kind of therapy believe that an adult who stutters will never be able to speak normally again. The purpose of speech modification therapy is to improve the stutterer's communication skills such that he will be able to converse well despite his stutter. Methods include teaching the stutterer how to control his moments of stuttering such that it is not so severe and finding ways to reduce one's fear of stuttering.

A study conducted on stuttering modification therapy which was published in a peer-reviewed journal concluded that it is not effective in reducing or curing stuttering and does not produce any improvements in the fluency of stutterers.

Anti-Stuttering Devices

These are based on the principle that one's fluency is improved when how he hears his voice is modified. Altered auditory feedback supposedly fixes the shortage of activity in auditory processing observed in the brain scans of people who stutter. Altered auditory feedback effects can be created by hearing one's own voice echoed or by speaking simultaneously with another person. Delayed auditory feedback, masking auditory feedback and frequency-shifted auditory feedback are the most common forms of altered auditory feedback.

Studies show that a combination of delayed audio feedback devices and fluency shaping therapy produced exemplary results. One study found that subjects had "carryover fluency", meaning that they exhibited improved speech even when they were not using the devices anymore. However, another study, using a different kind of anti-stuttering device, found that subjects had no "carryover fluency". The reason behind this discrepancy is still unknown. Nonetheless, anti-stuttering devices have been scientifically proven effective for curing stuttering.

Curing stuttering and stammering is not impossible. Most people just choose to ignore it hoping it will go away, but it does not.

There are a ton of excellent guides out on the internet that will allow you to get professional stuttering cure in a cheap and effective way that will not bust your bank account like what expensive speech therapy will do.

The best resource I've found over the years is a program named KILL YOUR STUTTER. It has been proven to work for adults and children alike and many have been recommending it like crazy.

Replace Stuttering With Fluent Speech

There are three techniques that I would like to recommend to you to stop stuttering and start speaking fluently. The first being to learn how to breathe. No, it's not a mistake, and you got it right, I'd like you to learn how to breathe, because proper breathing can bring you peace of mind and calmness easier and faster than you think. I'd suggest starting with books or videos on breathing. There are lots of them. Also joining a yoga class would not be bad here, since the exercises should start with proper breathing technique.

Technique number two is affirmations. I don't remember who said that a lie repeated a sufficient amount of times will become truth, or something similar. I am writing about it because the affirmations can seem to be a lie at first, but let me assure you that your brain will accept them as true if you only let it. Do you want proof? Then read carefully on.

Imagine that you are holding a ripe, as yellow as the sun, lemon in your hand. Try to picture the lemon, its shiny skin, scratch the skin with your finger and feel the smell. Now, imagine that you are holding a sharp knife in your other hand, and then slowly cut the lemon in half, feel the juice dripping down your hand, feel the smell, squeeze the lemon to make more juice flow...

How did your body react to this exercise? Isn't your mouth watering? But where's the lemon? Only in your head! And this is another strange observation about our brain: it does not see the difference between truth and imagination. You can talk your mind into everything, and you should start with:

"I am a confident and fluent speaker."
"I speak fluently when I talk to my friend, and I speak fluently when giving a presentation."
"As I speak more and more fluently, I am more and more self confident."

And so on. You can craft your own affirmations, aimed at the goal you want to reach, but you must remember the following:

  • The affirmation must always be in the present tense!
  • The affirmation must always be positive!
  • The affirmation must appeal to you emotionally!

The more positive and the more emotional affirmation, the stronger it is, the better it works.

You should repeat your affirmations out loud every day, just after you wake up, and before you go to sleep. You should also repeat the affirmation as often as possible when you only remember it. You can write it down, and while you are reading it, you can be singing it out, or do something that evokes positive emotions, too.

Technique number three is somewhat related to technique number two. And believe me, this is a mighty tool. I am talking about visualization here. Affirmation is words, visualization is words put into action, where you use both the power of affirmation and the power of your brain.

Visualization requires a quiet place, and some time only for yourself. You can be sitting, standing, lying down... doesn't matter. What matters is that you first relax with a breathing exercise, relax your body, and start repeating your affirmation. This time, however, create an adequate picture in your mind. If you say "I am fluent and confident speaker," see yourself in front of a large audience of total strangers to whom you have to make the speech, and see yourself speaking, hear yourself speaking, louder and louder, more and more fluently until you finish. See the audience cheering you, hear the words you say and hear the words you hear.

Positive words. Cast as much light upon the whole scene as you can. Add as many bright colors as you can. If you looked at your visualization from the viewer's perspective (like in the movies) try to switch the perspective and become the speaker, as if you really stood in front of cheering crowd, joking, laughing, feeling proud of yourself and your ability to speak fluently.

How to Stop Stuttering - Be Able to Speak and Be Heard

Through the years I have noticed that many stutterers tend to grow attached subconsciously to their speech disorder and even start defying the mere possibility of getting rid of stuttering. In other cases, people believe that in order to stop stuttering, they need to use extremely complex techniques (the more complex, the better!) or take sophisticated drugs; the idea that speech fluency can be normalized by a treatment which is rather simple in itself but requires persistence and strong will from the individual is discounted as "uncomfortable" or even "foolish". Well, if being a "fool" is what it takes to stop stuttering and start communicating freely, then I prefer to remain the former.

The essence of my method is to focus on and eliminate the cause of stuttering - I believe that simplicity is key to a successful treatment. I have found out that almost all people who stutter have weak throat muscles, because they are not used properly. This can be fixed with certain exercises. At the same time, the method is intended to give confidence in oneself and remove the fear towards speaking by using imperatives and commands, which is another important component of the problem.

Moreover, there are several factors which support your stuttering and which need to be fixed in order to solve the problem. For example, you've definitely felt that the emotion of fear has a direct relation to stuttering; indeed, fear and nervousness are the main triggers of stuttering. They form a vicious circle, which technical disciplines call "positive feedback": the more the person is afraid of stuttering, the more he/she stutters. Continuously receiving such negative emotions, the person gradually grows afraid of speaking as such! Speech exercises are not effective enough to break this cycle.

The method is based largely on individual work, which implies persistence and a strong desire to succeed. To ensure this, I am in constant contact with every user of the method, since the lack of personal support has proven to be one of the most frequent causes of people giving up on the treatment on how to stop stuttering.

The method has showed to increase speech fluency by up to 90%. This means that after the full course the person may not be able to become a news anchor or an air controller (i.e. the occupations where "100%" speech fluency is required), yet the stuttering is going to be reduced to a level which cannot be distinguished from a non-stutterer. The method has proven efficient in different situations, yet the length of the treatment tends to increase with the initial level of stuttering.

Therapy For Stuttering - How You Can Stop Stuttering Through Professional Speech Therapy

If you're looking for therapy for stuttering, then you might want to consider how you can stop stuttering though professional speech therapy. Qualified professionals offer this form of stuttering therapy. Your speech impediment will be attended to by specialists in the field of speech pathology who have excellent credentials and have been in the field of speech therapy for several years.

Effective Stuttering Treatment

You may have come across the fallacy that there is no stuttering treatment. You may even have been advised by well meaning relatives to accept your stutter and try and live with it. This is simply not true. There are numerous cases of people who have effectively eliminated stuttering from their lives and now lead a completely stutter free life. You too can reach the ideal of holding a conversation without stammering and voicing your thoughts fluently.

Good therapy for stuttering is often best conducted by people who have formerly stuttered themselves. These are people who know fully the challenges that you face daily when you stutter. Many such people go on to become professional speech therapists who do a remarkable job in helping their patients to stop stuttering.

Professional speech therapy sessions conducted by these speech pathologists involve one on one coaching sessions with an emphasis on making you understand what causes your stutter. Once you are aware of the mental or emotional triggers of your stutter, your therapist is able to guide you on an effective stuttering therapy that will help eradicate your stuttering.

Your therapy for stuttering will be tailored according to how severe your disorder is. Your age and the number of years you've been stuttering will also be taken into consideration. You'll be interviewed by the speech therapist to identify the best course of treatment.

Your treatment will generally consist of breath control and training your jaw muscles to control how you vocalize speech. Since therapists who have successfully combated stuttering will be the ones who train you, you'll be shown the techniques that are most effective to eliminate your stuttering. These include proper use of your muscles and tongue when you practice speaking.

When you undergo therapy for stuttering conducted by professional speech therapists, you can be assured that you'll be able to stop stuttering by following the techniques recommended. Choose therapists who used to stutter before so that you'll get the right sort of attention from your stuttering therapy.